The road from El Rosario to Guerrero Negro has so far been highlight in the scenery department. Massive Cardon Cacti and Cirio trees (up to 60ft) are everywhere among equally massive granite boulders .

We spent a few nights here taking deep breaths. I had to release the absolutely unnecessary stress I had accumulated over making the border crossing. There is something intimidating about driving your family over the Mexican border but it was wholly unwarranted, now its time to relax.

...but it sure didn't feel like Mexico either! We experienced pretty cold evenings and then the rain came in. Time to head south and warm up!

Such strangely beautiful trees. For perspective the van at its heght with the box is about 9ft making this particular tree almost 35ft high.

After spending one night in Guerrero Negro we finally made it to Baja Sur. It was warm, sunny and amazing.

Meeting fellow travelers it all part of the fun, especially when Vega gets to meet a friend. Her new friend here was only 4 days younger! Thanks to www.svasunto.com for the adventures.

A great line up for the first weekend of the Todos Santos Music festival (http://todossantosmusicfestival.com)